

why do people become alcoholics

There is no one cause but rather a combination of precursors that lead to an alcohol addiction. Researchers have debunked key beliefs about addiction, like that a person must hit « rock bottom » before having treatment or that teen drug use is just a rite of passage. The pathway to healing and recovery is often a process that occurs over many years. Addiction not only involves the individual suffering, but their partner, their family, and their friends as well.

why do people become alcoholics

Trauma and/or Mental Illness

They can seek help from peer support groups and mental health professionals as well. A few empirically validated practices can help identify strong treatment programs. Treatment centers should ideally have rigorous and reliable screening for substance use disorders and related conditions. They should have an integrated treatment approach that addresses other mental and physical health conditions. They should emphasize linking different phases of care, such as connecting patients to mental health professionals, housing, and peer support groups when transitioning out of the acute phase of care. They should also have proactive strategies to avoid dropping out, involve the family in treatment, employ qualified and certified staff, and be accredited by an external regulatory organization.

why do people become alcoholics

The Cycle of Alcohol Addiction

To counteract the sedating effects of alcohol, for example, the brain increases the activity of excitatory neurotransmitters, which speed up brain activity. Alcohol abuse treatment programs teach people how to move into an alcohol-free lifestyle while teaching them healthy coping strategies. They can simultaneously help treat any co-occurring mental health issues. The later stages of addiction can yield physical changes, but behavioral signs can help detect it early on. People with an addiction often why do people become alcoholics develop rigid routines that revolve around uninterrupted access to alcohol and other drugs; they may be irritated by schedule changes and blame their frustration on others.

Increased Drinking Behaviors Over Time

Drinking alcohol may result in temporary positive feelings and relaxation. Plus, we’re always introducing new features to optimize your in-app experience. We recently launched our in-app chatbot, Melody, powered by the world’s most powerful AI technology. Melody is here to help as you adjust to a life with less (or no) alcohol. You’ll meet hundreds of fellow Reframers in our 24/7 Forum chat and daily Zoom check-in meetings. The Reframe app equips you with the knowledge and skills you need to not only survive drinking less, but to thrive while you navigate the journey.

why do people become alcoholics

Understanding the Disease of Alcoholism

why do people become alcoholics

If individuals are able to monitor their alcohol intake in a healthy, recommended manner, this can prevent them from experiencing the many potential hardships that can follow alcohol abuse. If a person feels the compulsion to drink outside of social settings, this can indicate that they are starting to develop alcoholic behavior and may need an intervention. While there is no universal indicating factor to one’s risk level, there are some factors that have historically been known to contribute to developing the disorder. A person with a blood alcohol concentration between 0.35 and 0.50 percent can fall into a coma. People have died after drinking too much at once, as well as after consuming large amounts of alcohol steadily over a long period of time.

  • The body eventually craves alcohol to restore pleasurable feelings and avoid negative feelings.
  • Genetics, psychological factors, social and cultural norms, and our environment all affect one another.
  • However, loved ones often want to help, such as by showing solidarity or hosting a gathering that feels safe for their loved one.
  • For example, a person will develop drinking patterns as a way to cope with stress.
  • Contact The Recovery Village at Palmer Lake if you have questions about treatment or if you’re ready to get on the path to recovery and end your addiction to alcohol.
  • Ongoing treatment from healthcare providers and continued recovery efforts can help manage an alcohol use disorder and prevent relapse.

Often, drinking begins as a negative coping method to decrease the discomfort linked to the trauma experience. Like drinking early, drinking often is linked to alcohol use disorders. Due to the physiological Substance abuse influence of alcohol in the brain, people who regularly drink alcohol will disrupt their normal brain functioning, resulting in a higher risk of addiction. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism warns that binge drinking and heavy alcohol use are among the causes of alcoholism. Alcohol abuse can be triggered by psychological behaviors like approval-seeking, self-worth issues or impulsiveness. People often use the term “alcoholic” or “alcoholism” to refer to someone who is addicted to alcohol.

Have you ever wondered why some of us stress-eat whereas others may lose their appetite and undereat? Our personality traits — how we respond and deal with stress, for example — can impact our inclination to reach for the bottle or avoid it. Since our personality can affect our behavior, it can play a major role in our consumption habits.

  • Another common interaction is between psychological and social factors.
  • The neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, of people struggling with heavy drinking can differ from other people.
  • One common causal link is the interaction of our genetics and our environment, also known as the gene-environment correlation.
  • These genes play a major role in how our body breaks down and processes alcohol.
  • Social and cultural aspects of our environment can influence the way we think and act.


Those of us with a family history of AUD are more likely to develop the condition. This genetic predisposition explains why the condition is commonly “passed down,” or inherited. People with alcohol use disorder will continue to drink even when drinking causes negative consequences, like losing a job or destroying relationships with people they love.

End-Stage Alcoholism

One of the parts of the brain known to adjust from long-term drinking is the prefrontal-striatal-limbic circuit. This area of the brain controls emotions, decision-making, and stress. She contacted me a few weeks later to say that she had decided it was time to think about her own dangerously compromised emotional needs and her own mental health. Scary and sad as it was for her, after all those years together, if Ray continued to refuse to accept help, she was going to file for divorce. Alcohol or other substances that release endorphins create addiction because they release artificially high amounts of endorphins. This can evolve into a strong attraction to the substance, reinforcing the behavior of using alcohol again.